Collective licensing
A group of patent owners approached Innovius for assistance in licensing their portfolio to large tech companies, including a major smartphone maker. The Innovius team had an existing, close relationship with the smartphone maker that proved invaluable in gaining access to management.
The patent owners needed help getting the smartphone maker to obtain a license at a reasonable price.
Technologies included
Semiconductor, cellular, wireless
Innovius faced the challenge of balancing the expectations of all parties, while increasing the level of fees the smartphone maker was willing to pay and decreasing the amount of money the licensors were willing to take. Negotiations also involved various companies across the Asian region that have different cultures, practices, languages, as well as varying degrees of licensing experience.
The Innovius team met face to face with all parties involved in order to fully understand their positions and collect valuable information. This helped with the negotiation process and ensured fair compensation.
Licenses were agreed and reasonable compensation was provided to the patent owners.